Wednesday 7 May 2014


I have been feeling that things have been a bit hit and miss here the last week or so learning-wise, mainly because I've been working really hard to get this month's Picture Book Explorers file up for sale. It's been exciting because it's the 10th one and I'm also hosting a giveaway for it on my other blog :)
As I come to write this post I realise that loads of learning has been happening. I know that learning happens all the time as we live our lives anyway, but that can be very personal and hard to see sometimes. I've been working very intensely on the computer to meet my deadline and have felt that my kids have been left to go feral their own devises more so than usual.
Actually, they both did the PBE in question, so there was plenty of learning going on there, now that I come to think of it.....
Little life lessons they have learned are that you need to show your half-fare bus pass to avoid being charged full-fare and that if you empty the contents of the shed all over the garden you need to put said contents back again. They also learned that four women and a trail of children can carry a trampoline with attached net down the middle of the road from one house to another and that our back steps are slippy.
We've slid a bit with the old MEP books, but we'll be back on the case next week now that all the Bank Holidays are out of the way. They're still enjoying Mangahigh though as well as playing plenty of board games that use maths skills and they've been enjoying maths activities from our Friday fun maths book,  Ginn Extension Mathematics: Investigations, Games and Puzzles Level 5. (These are so good, I've got the next level book waiting for them.)
Yesterday we had book group and all the families were there which was lovely :) The older ones discussed their own books and the younger ones discussed Five Children and It which has been very popular in our house. We got the TV series on DVD from Lovefilm and we heard that the new film is a bit rubbish. My children als requested that I read the Jacqueline Wilson book Four Children and It too. Next month's book group read is to be The Phoenix and the Carpet which also has a BBC TV series as well, if I remember rightly :)
Today, we went to a felting workshop in a local Art gallery. It was open to he general public and was attended by four Home Ed families. We've been to different felting workshops over the years and each time we've come away with more skills. Today we worked around a plastic template and made mini T-shirts for the Tour de France. Very enjoyable :)

We were all three of us very chuffed with our creations :)

Art Appreciation :)

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